Waec 2021 Agric Science Practical Answer

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Waec 2021 Agric Science



Waec 2021 Agric Science

(i)Marketing board

The process is known as Pasteurization. It involves heating raw milk to a high temperature and then immediately cooling. It should r noted that the heating is just for 15seconds and the temperature is 72°C

(i)calcium and protein
(ii)potassium and phosphorus
(iii)vitamins B2 and B12.

(i) It reduces the production of M in livestocks
(ii) It affect the quantity of M produced
(iii) It makes the animal to become weak
(iv) It also affect the quality of M produced
(v) It affect the nutrient level of M produced

(Pick any three)
(i)store in a cool,dry places
(ii)sharpen the blades properly
(iii)keep away from rain to prevent rusting
(iv)Clean or wash after use

(Pick Any Three)
(i) store in a dry and cool place
(ii)Keep away from rain and termite attack on wooden handles
(iii)sharpen the blade regularly

(Pick any two)
(ii)Garden folk
(iii) Hand towel
(iv) Hoes



(i) It is liquid
(ii) Rich in Nitrogen
(iii)It decreases cadbium concentration in the soil
(iv) It gives lower shoot dry matter
(v) It can be applied through irrigation system
(vi) It is an inorganic substance

(i) It is solid
(ii) Not rich in Nitrogen
(iii) It…
[1:17 am, 08/09/2021] Mr Salim: (2a)

(i) It is liquid
(ii) Rich in Nitrogen
(iii)It decreases cadbium concentration in the soil
(iv) It gives lower shoot dry matter
(v) It can be applied through irrigation system
(vi) It is an inorganic substance

(i) It is solid
(ii) Not rich in Nitrogen
(iii) It does not decreases cadbium concentration in the soil
(iv) It gives higher shoot dry matter
(v) It can not be applied through irrigation system
(vi) It is an organic substance


(i) NPK Fertilizer 15:15:15
(ii) Nitrate
(iii) Ammonia

(i) It can damage plants
(ii) It impedes seed germination
(iii) It is not stable
(iv) It affect seedling growth
(v) It affect early plant growth in the soil

(i)Specimen H: Centrosema pubescens

(ii)Specimen I: Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.

(iii)Specimen J: Pueraria phaseoloides

(i)Specimen H: is propagated by seed

(ii)Specimen I: is propagated vegetatively through stem cuttings

(iii)Specimen J: is propagated by seeds

(i)It is a vigorous twining, trailing and climbing perennial legume.
(ii)It has a deep root-system with tap roots and lateral roots.
(iii)It Leaves are dark green and trifoliate
(iv)Leaflets are ovate, 4 cm long x 3.5 cm broad.
(v)It Flowers are borne in axillary racemes, are bright or pale lilac with violet stripes.

(i)It is used for traditional animal feed,
(ii)It is used for pest management
(iii)It is used for improving soil fertility
(iv)It is used for protecting arid land from soil.



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