Waec 2023 CRS Obj & Essay Answers

Waec 2023 CRS Obj & Essay Answers

Waec 2023 CRS Obj & Essay Answers



============CRS ESSAY SECTION================

(1a) Moses was born into a Hebrew family during a time when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, had ordered the killing of all Hebrew baby boys to control their population. To save Moses’ life, his mother placed him in a basket and set it adrift on the Nile River. The basket was discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter, who took Moses as her own and raised him in the Egyptian royal court.
As Moses grew older, he became aware of his Hebrew heritage and felt a deep connection to his people. One day, while witnessing an Egyptian taskmaster mistreating a Hebrew slave, Moses intervened and ended up killing the taskmaster. Fearing the consequences, Moses fled Egypt and found refuge in the land of Midian.
In Midian, Moses came across a well where he saw seven daughters of the priest of Midian, Jethro, attempting to water their father’s flock. Some shepherds were harassing them and preventing them from accessing the water. Moses came to their aid, driving away the shepherds and helping the women water their flock.
Impressed by Moses’ chivalry and strength, the daughters returned home and told their father, Jethro, about the incident. Jethro invited Moses to their home and offered him hospitality. Moses accepted and stayed with Jethro, working as a shepherd and helping tend Jethro’s flocks.
During his time in Midian, Moses developed a close relationship with Jethro’s family. Moses’ kindness, righteousness, and his encounter with the burning bush, where he received a divine call from God to free the Israelites from bondage, earned him Jethro’s respect and trust.
Moses eventually expressed his desire to marry one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah. Jethro gave his consent, and Zipporah became Moses’ wife. They had two sons together, Gershom and Eliezer.
After his marriage, Moses received his divine mission from God to return to Egypt and confront Pharaoh, demanding the release of the Israelites. With Zipporah and their children, Moses embarked on the journey back to Egypt to fulfill his God-given purpose.

(i) Persecution: Many people seek asylum due to persecution based on factors such as their race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, or membership in a particular social group. Seeking asylum allows them to escape persecution and find refuge in a country where they can live without fear of harm.

(ii) War and Conflict: Individuals fleeing war-torn regions or areas plagued by armed conflict seek asylum to protect themselves and their families from the perils of war. Seeking asylum provides them with a chance to seek safety and rebuild their lives in a more stable environment.


1a) According to the Bible, Moses was born to Hebrew parents during a time when the Pharaoh of Egypt had ordered all male Hebrew babies to be killed. To save his life, Moses’ mother placed him in a basket and set him adrift on the Nile River. He was discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter, who raised him as her own son in the royal palace.

As an adult, Moses witnessed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave and killed the Egyptian in anger. Fearing for his life, he fled Egypt and settled in the land of Midian. There, he married a Midianite woman named Zipporah and worked as a shepherd for her father.

1b):1. The importance of humility and patience: Despite having been raised in the royal palace as a prince of Egypt, Moses was willing to leave behind his privileged life and work as a humble shepherd in Midian. This shows the importance of being willing to do whatever is necessary to serve others, even if it means sacrificing one’s own comfort and status.

2. The power of transformation: During his time in Midian, Moses underwent a significant transformation from a hot-headed young man to a wise and compassionate leader. This transformation was likely due in part to his experiences as a shepherd, which taught him important skills such as patience, perseverance, and empathy.

3. The role of faith and obedience: Throughout his life, Moses demonstrated a deep faith in God and a willingness to obey His commands. This faith and obedience were crucial to his success as a leader, as they enabled him to trust in God’s guidance and lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

Solomon, the son of King David, ascended to the throne of Israel and desired to build a magnificent temple for the worship of God in Jerusalem. He sent a message to King Hiram of Tyre, a renowned Phoenician ruler known for his skill in construction and trade. Solomon expressed his admiration for Hiram’s expertise and requested his assistance in the construction of the temple.

King Hiram responded positively to Solomon’s request and sent his skilled craftsmen, particularly a man named Huram-Abi (also known as Hiram-Abiff), who was half-Israelite and half-Tyrean. Huram-Abi was an expert in working with bronze, and he played a crucial role in the temple’s construction.

Furthermore, King Hiram provided Solomon with the necessary materials for the temple. The account in 1 Kings 5:8-11 describes how Hiram sent cedar and cypress logs from Lebanon to Jerusalem. These logs were used for the construction of the temple’s structure and its interior decoration.

The relationship between Solomon and Hiram went beyond mere trade and construction. They established a friendly alliance and engaged in peaceful relations. They even exchanged gifts as a symbol of their friendship and cooperation. In 1 Kings 5:12, it is mentioned that Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand cors of wheat and twenty thousand baths of pure oil each year.

The cooperation between Tyre and Israel continued throughout the construction of the temple. Skilled Tyrean workers collaborated with Israelite craftsmen and laborers under Solomon’s supervision. The temple gradually took shape and became a splendid edifice, renowned for its grandeur and magnificence.

The diplomatic relations between Tyre and Israel during Solomon’s reign were vital in facilitating the construction of the temple. Tyre’s contribution of skilled workers and building materials, coupled with the friendly alliance between the two kingdoms, ensured the successful completion of the project. The temple of Solomon stood as a testament to the cooperation between these two nations and served as a central place of worship for the Israelites for centuries to come.

(i) Diplomatic relations provide a platform for dialogue and negotiations, enabling nations to resolve conflicts peacefully.
(ii) It facilitates economic cooperation between nations such as engaging countries in trade agreements, investment partnerships, and economic collaborations which foster economic growth, create employment opportunities, and enhance prosperity by promoting the exchange of goods, services, and knowledge.
(iii) It fosters cultural exchange and understanding among nations.
(iv) Diplomatic relations enable countries to collaborate on security and defense issues which helps address common security challenges, promoting stability and safeguarding national interests.
(v) Diplomatic relations allow nations to address global challenges collectively


(3a) According to the Bible, the events that unfolded in Judah after the death of King Josiah and led to the first deportation of the Jews are described in the books of 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and the writings of the prophet Jeremiah.

After the righteous reign of King Josiah, his son Jehoahaz became king. However, he did evil in the sight of the Lord, and Pharaoh Neco of Egypt deposed him after only three months, placing Jehoahaz’s brother Jehoiakim on the throne.

Jehoiakim, unlike his father, turned away from the ways of God. He embraced idolatry and led the people of Judah into wickedness. He defied the commands of God and rejected the prophet Jeremiah’s warnings of impending judgment.

During Jehoiakim’s reign, the Babylonian Empire, under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar, rose to power. Jehoiakim initially served as a vassal king to Babylon, paying tribute to maintain his position.

However, Jehoiakim eventually rebelled against Babylonian rule. As a result, Nebuchadnezzar sent Chaldean, Aramean, Moabite, and Ammonite troops to invade Judah. Jerusalem was besieged, and Jehoiakim died during the conflict.

Jehoiakim’s son, Jehoiachin, succeeded him as king but reigned for only three months and ten days before he too was captured by Nebuchadnezzar’s forces. Along with many of the leading citizens, Jehoiachin was taken into exile in Babylon.

This marked the first deportation of the Jews, as thousands of captives from Judah were carried away to Babylon, including royal family members, skilled artisans, and military personnel. The treasures of the Temple in Jerusalem were also plundered and taken to Babylon.

These events fulfilled the prophecies of Jeremiah, who had warned of the coming judgment and captivity of Judah due to their disobedience and idolatry. The exile in Babylon would last for seventy years, as God had foretold through the prophet Jeremiah.

(i) High levels of economic inequality, where a significant portion of the population faces poverty, unemployment, or lack of basic resources, can lead to social tensions and unrest.
(ii) Widespread corruption, lack of transparency, and abuse of power by government officials can erode public trust and lead to civil unrest.
(iii) Deep-seated divisions based on ethnicity, religion, or race can escalate into civil unrest if not addressed properly.
(iv) Violations of human rights, such as police brutality, extrajudicial killings, or arbitrary detentions, can ignite widespread anger and fuel civil unrest.
(v) Weak or unstable governance structures, frequent changes in leadership, or ineffective governance can create an environment for civil unrest.
(vi) Severe economic downturns, high unemployment rates, or economic crises can significantly contribute to civil unrest.
(vii) Inadequate access to basic services, such as healthcare, education, clean water, or sanitation, can generate public dissatisfaction and unrest.


When the Samaritans made this request to build with the Jews, the Jewish leaders initially welcomed them and allowed them to participate in the rebuilding of the temple. However, tensions quickly arose as the Samaritans refused to acknowledge the authority of the Jewish leaders and insisted on worshiping their own gods alongside Yahweh. The Samaritans also began to object to some of the aspects of Jewish worship and accused the Jews of trying to dominate them. Eventually, the two groups became locked in a bitter power struggle over control of the temple and the surrounding area, leading to violence and bloodshed.

-territorial disputes
-political conflicts
-religioius/cultural difference
-economic competition

(5a) The events that took place before Jesus made the above statement as recorded in Matthew:

In Matthew’s account, before Jesus encountered Satan, He had been fasting for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness. During this period of intense physical deprivation, Satan approached Him to tempt Him.

i. First Temptation: Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, appealing to His physical hunger. Satan suggested that Jesus could use His divine power for personal satisfaction. However, Jesus responded by quoting Scripture, saying that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

ii. Second Temptation: Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem and challenged Him to jump off, saying that the angels would save Him. Here, Satan was testing Jesus’ trust in God’s protection. Jesus again quoted Scripture, saying that it is written, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.”

iv. Third Temptation: Satan took Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, offering them to Jesus if He would worship him. Satan was appealing to Jesus’ desire for power and authority. Jesus firmly rejected Satan, saying, “Get behind me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'”

(5b) Three lessons Christians can learn from Jesus’ encounter with Satan:

i. Resisting Temptation: Jesus’ encounter with Satan demonstrates the importance of resisting temptation. Even when faced with enticing offers and appeals to our desires, we can learn from Jesus to stand firm on God’s Word and refuse to compromise our faith and integrity. Jesus’ reliance on Scripture shows the power and effectiveness of using God’s Word as a weapon against temptation.

ii. Trusting in God’s Provision: When Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, Jesus chose to trust in God’s provision rather than satisfying His immediate physical hunger. This teaches Christians the lesson of relying on God’s timing and provision. We are called to trust that God will meet our needs in His perfect way and timing, rather than succumbing to the temptation to take matters into our own hands.

iii. Worshiping and Serving God Alone: Jesus’ firm response to Satan emphasized the importance of worshiping and serving God alone. Christians can learn from this encounter to prioritize God above all else and reject any form of idolatry or compromise. Our allegiance and devotion should be solely directed toward God, recognizing His supreme authority in our lives. This teaches us to guard our hearts against the allure of worldly power, wealth, and fame, and to keep God at the center of our worship and service.


(6a) Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”Matthew 18:21-22

In this response, Jesus emphasizes the importance of limitless forgiveness. By using the phrase “seventy times seven,” Jesus implies that forgiveness should be extended without counting or limit. It indicates a radical call to show mercy and forgiveness, even in the face of repeated offenses.

(6b) Three benefits one stands to gain in forgiving others:

ii. Emotional Healing: Forgiving others brings emotional to the forgiver. Holding onto grudges, anger, and resentment can cause stress, anxiety, and bitterness, affecting one’s well-being.

ii. Restoration of Relationships: Forgiveness has the potential to restore broken relationships. When someone forgives, it opens the door for reconciliation and the rebuilding of trust and intimacy. Forgiveness allows for the possibility of healing wounds, fostering empathy, and rebuilding a stronger and healthier relationship with the person who has been forgiven.

iii. Spiritual Growth and Freedom: Forgiveness is a deeply spiritual act that aligns with the teachings and example of Jesus. When individuals forgive, they reflect the character of God, who is merciful and forgiving.

The believers’ communal living was such that the Christians shared their possessions in common. Ananias and Sapphira sold their own piece of land, but brought only a part of the money to the Church. This was strictly against the spirit of communal life of the Christians. Peter asked Ananias why satan had led him to lie to the Holy Spirit, telling him that the land and the proceeds were theirs and they were free to handle them the way they wished. But by declaring publicly that they were handing over the entire proceeds, they had not lied to man but to God. When Ananias heard these words of rebuke from Peter, he fell down and died. Young men later carried away his body for burial. His wife / Sapphira came in, unaware of what had happened to her husband. Peter asked her whether they had sold the land for the amount surrendered, she affirmed it. Peter asked her why she conspired with her husband to tempt the spirit of God telling her to listen to the approaching footsteps of those who had gone to bury her husband: Immediately she heard this she fell down and died. Her body was carried away by the same young men who had earlier carried her husband for burial. Great fear came upon the Church and upon all who heard the news.

(i)Ananias and Sapphira were misguided into thinking that they could serve both God and Mammon at the same time.
(ii)One can deceive a fellow man, but cannot deceive God who reads the heart of man.
(iii) The Church was established by God and controlled by the Holy Spirit. Members must work in accordance with guidelines set up by the Holy Spirit.
(iv) God punishes sin of disobedience and His judgment is certain. We should give with sincerity / honesty.


In James 1:5-6, it is advised to ask God for wisdom with faith, believing that He will provide it. The passage states, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt.”
James encouraged believers to pray in faith, trusting that God will answer their prayers. In James 1:6, it states, “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”
James emphasizes the importance of having pure motives when praying. It warns against praying selfishly or with wrong intentions, saying, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”
James also urged Christians to confess their sins to one another and pray for each other, emphasizing the importance of seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. It states, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
He highlighted the significance of approaching God with humility. In James 4:10, it states, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”
James encouraged believers to be persistent in their prayers. In James 5:16, it mentions the effective prayer of Elijah, who “prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.”

(i) Doubt or lack of belief in the power of prayer can hinder its effectiveness.
(ii) Holding grudges or harboring feelings of resentment towards others
(iii) Praying solely for personal gain or with selfish intentions
(iv) Unconfessed sins
(v) Lack of dedication
(vi) Praying for something that goes against the greater plan or purpose of GOD
(vii) Prideful or arrogant attitude


Peter advised elders to look after God’s flock with tender care. They should work not as being under any external constraint, but willingly; not with the desire to make material gains, but with the eagerness that comes from the heart; not with a presumptuous and domineering spirit but as examples to be copied by the flock, so that at the appropriate time, they might attain the crown of glory.
Peter advised the young ones to be in humble subjection to the leaders, for God humiliates the proud and exalts the humble. However, for both young and old, Peter recommends the humble approach. They should leave all cases of anxiety in the able hands of God. They should, in all soberness, be vigilant against the temptation of the devil who is always around to lead the spiritually weak ones to destruction in hell. Armed with patient faith, they should remember that suffering is part of their Christian calling, knowing that suffering will lead to glory in Christ who has eternal dominion.

(i)Pride: People often behave with self-centeredness, ego, and pride.
(ii)Spiritual and Emotional Immaturity: Maturity helps a person understand that differences in perspective broaden understanding.
(iii)Change and Inflexibility: In reality, change is the norm.

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