Neco 2023 Government Objective & Essay Answers

Neco 2023 Government Objective & Essay Answers



Neco 2023 Government Objective & Essay Answers


(1a) Define a state
(1b) Explain five attributes of a state

(2) Explain six factors that can determine the electoral success of a political party

(3) Give and explain six techniques employed by pressure groups to achieve their goals

(4) Suggest six measures that can be put in place to make civil service non-partisan


(5) Elucidate six characters of military rule

(6) Evaluate six consequences of the action group crisis of 1962

(7) State and discuss six factors that influence Nigerian foreign policy

(8) In six ways, justify the existence of Nigeria as a member of the common wealth of nation

(9a) Define federation
(9bi) Advance five importance of state creation in a federation

(10) Mention and explain six duties performed by the executive officers of hausa/fulani pre-colonial administration.

============SECTION A=================


State may be defined as a politically organised body of people inhabiting a defined geographical entity with an organized legitimate give legitimate government. The state in this respect is entirely free from external control.


State refers to a political entity or a political organization that possesses sovereign authority over a defined territory and its population. It is a central institution that exercises control and governance within its borders.


(i)Sovereignty: This attribute signifies the state’s ultimate authority and independence within its territorial boundaries. A sovereign state has the power to govern itself without interference from external actors.

(ii)Territory: A state has defined geographical borders that determine its territory. This attribute includes land, water bodies, and airspace over which the state exercises control.
Population: A state consists of a group of people who live within its borders and are subject to its authority.

(iii)Government: A state has a system of governance that establishes the rules, institutions, and processes through which decisions are made and implemented. This attribute includes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches responsible for the administration of the state.

(iv)Law and Order: A state maintains law and order within its territory through the establishment of legal frameworks and enforcement agencies. This attribute ensures the protection of rights, the resolution of disputes, and the maintenance of social order.

(v)Diplomacy: States engage in diplomatic relations with other states, which involves negotiating agreements, participating in international organizations, and representing their interests on the global stage.

(vi)National Identity: States often possess a distinct national identity characterized by shared values, traditions, history, and symbols. This attribute contributes to a sense of belonging and loyalty among its citizens.

(vii)Economic System: States have different economic systems that define how resources are allocated, production is organized, and wealth is distributed. These systems can range from market-oriented capitalism to state-controlled socialism.

(viii)Defense and Security: States are responsible for safeguarding their territories and citizens from external threats. This attribute includes maintaining armed forces, conducting national security policies, and participating in collective defense alliances.

(i) Popularity and perception: The way a political party is perceived by the general public can greatly affect its electoral success. Factors such as reputation leadership qualities and public trust can influence how popular a party is among voters.
(ii) Party platform and policies: The political party’s platform which includes its policies and agenda plays a crucial role in attracting voter support. Parties with well-defined appealing and persuasive policies are more likely to win elections.
(iii) Economic conditions: The state of the economy can significantly impact electoral outcomes. Parties that are able to demonstrate their ability to manage and improve economic conditions are often favored by voters.
(iv) Voter demographics: Understanding the demographic composition of the electorate is essential. Parties that can connect with different voter groups and address their concerns effectively tend to fare better in elections.
(v) Campaign strategy and organization: A well-planned and organized campaign strategy is crucial for electoral success. Parties need to effectively communicate their message reach out to voters and mobilize their supporters during elections.
(v) Media coverage: Positive media coverage can boost a party’s electoral prospects. Parties that can effectively manage their media presence shape public opinion and garner favorable media attention often have an advantage.
(vii) Leadership and charisma: The leadership qualities of a party’s candidates such as their charisma communication skills and ability to connect with voters play a critical role in determining electoral success.
(viii) Voter turnout and mobilization: Parties need to focus on maximizing voter turnout and effectively mobilizing their supporters. A higher voter turnout and well-organized ground campaigns can contribute to a party’s success on election day.

(i) Lobbying: Pressure groups engage in lobbying activities to influence legislators and policymakers. This can involve direct meetings exchanges of information and persuasive arguments to sway decision-making in favor of the group’s goals.
(ii) Public campaigns and demonstrations: Pressure groups often organize public campaigns and demonstrations to raise awareness and gather support for their cause. These can include rallies protests and public events that attract attention and put pressure on policymakers.
(iii) Grassroots organizing: Pressure groups mobilize their supporters at the grassroots level to advocate for their goals. They build networks recruit volunteers and organize local activities to generate public support and influence policymakers.
(iv) Litigation and legal action: Pressure groups may engage in legal action to challenge policies laws or decisions that go against their interests. They may file lawsuits participate in legal processes and use the courts to advance their agenda.
(v) Research and policy analysis: Pressure groups often conduct research and policy analysis to provide evidence-based arguments and information. They use this research to influence public opinion policymakers and the media in support of their goals.
(vi) Coalition building: Pressure groups form alliances and coalitions with other like-minded organizations to amplify their influence and increase their chances of success. By joining forces they can pool resources expertise and support to achieve shared objectives.
(vii) Economic pressure: Some pressure groups leverage economic power to achieve their goals. They may engage in boycotts divestment campaigns or use economic incentives to influence businesses policymakers or the public.
(viii) Public relations and media engagement: Pressure groups employ various public relations strategies to shape public opinion and gain media attention. They may use social media press releases interviews and other media platforms to promote their message and gain support for their cause.


(i)Clear Guidelines and Policies: Develop and communicate clear guidelines and policies that explicitly outline the expectations for non-partisanship among civil servants.These guidelines should emphasize the importance of political neutrality and provide specific examples.

(ii)Political Activity Restrictions: Implement regulations that restrict civil servants from engaging in partisan political activities while on duty or in their official capacity. This can include limitations on participating in political campaigns, endorsing candidates, or engaging in activities that may compromise their impartiality.

(iii)Recruitment and Promotion Based on Merit: Establish transparent and merit-based systems for the recruitment, selection, and promotion of civil servants. Emphasize qualifications, skills, and experience as the primary criteria for hiring and advancement, rather than political connections or affiliations.

(iv)Training and Education: Provide regular training and education programs that focus on non-partisanship and ethical conduct for civil servants. These programs should emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality in decision-making, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the principles of public service.

(v)Independent Oversight and Accountability: Establish independent oversight mechanisms to monitor and investigate allegations of partisan behavior or misconduct among civil servants. These mechanisms should have the authority to receive and investigate complaints, protect whistleblowers, and take appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary.

(vi)Promote a Culture of Non-Partisanship: Foster a culture within the civil service that values and promotes non-partisanship. This can be achieved through leadership commitment, communication campaigns, and recognition of civil servants who demonstrate a commitment to impartiality.

(vii) Transparent Performance Evaluation: Implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system that assesses civil servants based on their competence, professionalism, and adherence to non-partisan principles.Provide regular feedback and recognition for exemplary performance.


(i) Centralized power: Military rule often involves the concentration of decision-making authority in the hands of a small group of military leaders or a single military commander.
(ii) Suppression of dissent: Military regimes often restrict or eliminate political opposition by enforcing strict censorship laws curbing free speech limiting political activities and cracking down on protests or demonstrations.
(iii) Suspension of civil liberties: Military rule usually involves the suspension or limitation of civil liberties such as freedom of assembly freedom of the press and freedom of association.
(iv) Military involvement in governance: In military rule the military often takes direct control of key government institutions and functions such as the executive branch legislative body and judiciary.
(v) Limited civilian involvement: Civilian participation in decision-making processes is typically reduced or entirely excluded with military leaders making critical policy and governance choices instead.
(vi) Emphasis on law and order: Military regimes often prioritize maintaining law and order focusing on stability and control through strict enforcement of laws and regulations.
(vii) Promotion of military values: Military rule often promotes military values such as discipline hierarchy and loyalty as guiding principles for society at large.
(viii) Lack of accountability: Military rulers may enjoy a lack of accountability as they often operate under a system where they are not subject to the same checks and balances as civilian leaders. This can lead to a culture of impunity where military officials are not held responsible for human rights abuses or corruption.


(i) Heightened Cold War tensions: The crisis escalated the already intense rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It increased mutual distrust and created a sense of urgency to find ways to manage the competing interests of both superpowers.
(ii) Nuclear arms race limitations: The Cuban Missile Crisis led to a reevaluation of the dangers posed by the rapid proliferation of nuclear weapons. As a result both the United States and the Soviet Union recognized the need to limit the growth of their nuclear arsenals and agreed to pursue arms control negotiations.
(iii) Improved communication: The crisis highlighted the critical need for direct and expedient communication channels between superpowers to prevent misunderstandings and miscalculations. This realization led to the establishment of the Hotline Agreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union which provided a direct line of communication between the leaders of both countries.
(iv) Non-proliferation efforts: The heightened awareness of the dangers of nuclear weapons prompted renewed efforts to prevent their proliferation to other countries. The crisis became a catalyst for the subsequent signing of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which sought to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and promote disarmament.
(v) Regional stability: The crisis revealed the vulnerability of small nations caught in the crossfire of global power struggles. It highlighted the need for stability in the Caribbean region and led to increased efforts to prevent the involvement of proxy states in conflicts between superpowers.
(vi) Cuban isolation: The crisis resulted in international isolation for Cuba. The failed attempt to place Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuban soil strained Cuba’s relations with the United States and many other Western countries. Cuba became increasingly dependent on the Soviet Union for economic and military support further solidifying its alignment with the Eastern Bloc.
(vii) Shift in U.S. foreign policy: Following the crisis the United States adopted a more cautious and pragmatic approach to foreign policy emphasizing diplomacy and negotiations over direct confrontation. The administration of President John F. Kennedy became more receptive to the idea of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union.
(viii) Impact on international diplomacy: The Cuban Missile Crisis served as a wake-up call for the international community and highlighted the need for diplomacy and peaceful resolution of disputes. Diplomatic efforts between the U.S. and the Soviet Union intensified encouraging other nations to engage in dialogue to resolve conflicts rather than resorting to military action.

(i) National Security: Nigeria’s foreign policy is often guided by national security considerations. The government strives to protect the country from external threats such as terrorism cross-border crimes and regional conflicts. This factor plays a significant role in shaping the country’s approach to regional alliances defense agreements and counterterrorism cooperation.

(ii) Economic Interests: Nigeria’s foreign policy is shaped by its economic interests including trade investment and access to resources. The government prioritizes policies that foster economic growth attract foreign direct investment and ensure favorable trade agreements. Nigeria’s relationship with key economic partners such as China the United States and the European Union can heavily influence foreign policy decisions.

(iii) Regional Integration: Nigeria is a major player within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU). Regional integration and cooperation are key objectives of Nigerian foreign policy aimed at promoting economic development peace and stability within West Africa and the continent as a whole. Nigeria’s foreign policy decisions are often influenced by the desire to play a leading role in regional affairs.

(iv) Historical and Cultural Ties: Nigeria’s foreign policy is influenced by historical and cultural ties with other countries. Relationships with former colonial powers such as the United Kingdom are often shaped by historical experiences. Additionally Nigeria’s foreign policy endeavors to promote and preserve cultural heritage including Nigerian diaspora communities abroad.

(v) Ideological Beliefs: Nigeria’s foreign policy can be influenced by ideological beliefs although this factor has varied throughout its history. At times Nigeria has pursued a policy of non-alignment and sought to promote an independent and balanced approach in international affairs. However ideological factors have become less prominent in recent years.

(vi) Global Governance and Multilateralism: Nigeria seeks to play an active role in global governance institutions such as the United Nations where it aspires to secure a permanent seat on the Security Council. Nigerian foreign policy is influenced by efforts to promote multilateralism strengthen international norms and address global challenges such as climate change and human rights.

(vii) Crisis Management: Nigerian foreign policy is often shaped by the need to respond to regional crises and conflicts. The government has been actively involved in mediating conflicts especially within West Africa. Nigeria’s foreign policy decisions in these situations are guided by the desire to promote peace stability and security in the region.

(viii) Domestic Politics: Domestic political dynamics and public opinion can impact Nigerian foreign policy. Government decisions may be influenced by public sentiment political alliances and electoral considerations. For instance when faced with domestic challenges the government may adopt foreign policies that are seen as addressing those concerns and garnering support from the population.



(i)Historical Ties: Nigeria’s membership in the Commonwealth of Nations can be justified based on historical ties. The Commonwealth provides a platform for maintaining connections and cooperation with other countries that were also once part of the British Empire.

(ii)Shared Values: Nigeria’s membership in the Commonwealth is based on shared values such as democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and good governance. The Commonwealth serves as a forum where member countries can collaborate on upholding and promoting these values.

(iii)Economic Cooperation: Nigeria benefits from economic cooperation within the Commonwealth. Membership provides opportunities for trade, investment, and economic partnerships with other member countries.

(iv)Development Assistance: Nigeria can access development assistance and support from the Commonwealth and its member countries. This assistance can be in the form of financial aid, technical expertise, and capacity-building programs .

(v)Cultural Exchange: The Commonwealth offers a platform for cultural exchange and cooperation among member countries. Nigeria’s membership allows for the sharing of cultural experiences, traditions, and knowledge with other nations

(vi)Diplomatic Relations: Membership in the Commonwealth enhances Nigeria’s diplomatic relations and global standing. It provides opportunities for engagement in multilateral diplomacy, participation in Commonwealth summits, and networking

(vii)Collaboration on Global Issues: Nigeria can collaborate with other Commonwealth members on global issues such as climate change, security, peacekeeping, and health. The Commonwealth can serve as a platform for joint efforts, sharing best practices, and addressing common challenges.

(viii)Youth Empowerment and Education: The Commonwealth offers programs and initiatives focused on youth empowerment, education, and leadership development. Nigeria’s membership provides opportunities for Nigerian youth to engage in exchange programs, educational scholarships etc

(i)Emir/Sarkin: The Emir or Sarkin, as the highest-ranking executive officer, had several duties. They maintained law and order, ensured the administration of justice, and protected the interests of the community.

(ii)District Heads/Wakilin Sarki: District heads, known as Wakilin Sarki, were responsible for the effective governance of their respective districts. They implemented the policies and regulations set by the Emir, collected taxes, maintained security, and oversaw local government administration.

(iii)Court Officials: Court officials played significant roles in the administration of justice. The Wazirin, Galadiman, and Madaki were executive officers who advised the Emir, presided over court proceedings, and ensured the fair and equitable resolution of disputes.

(iv)Military Commanders: Military commanders, such as the Dan Masanin, held executive positions in matters of defense and security. They organized and led military forces, protected the community from external threats, and maintained internal peace.

(v)Military Commanders: Military commanders, such as the Dan Masanin, held executive positions in matters of defense and security. They organized and led military forces, protected the community from external threats, and maintained internal peace.

(vi)Advisers and Counselors: Executive officers in the Hausa/Fulani pre-colonial administration included advisers and counselors who provided expertise and guidance to the Emir. These individuals had specialized knowledge in areas such as religion, law, diplomacy, and administration.

(vii)Village/Local Chiefs: Village or local chiefs, known as Hakimi, acted as executive officers at the grassroots level. They oversaw the governance of their respective villages or communities.


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