How To Answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023

In this post, I will show you EXACTLY How To Answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023, How To Answer UTME Questions 2022/2023, Answering UTME multiple-choice questions, how to answer the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) questions, JAMB Shortcut Keys, the secret to answering JAMB questions fast and correctly and ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW.

How To Answer JAMB Questions

How To Answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023

How do I answer JAMB questions on computer? Can I Write Jamb Without Knowing How To Operate Computer? if you have been asking any of the above questions then this post is for you.

As a JAMBITE or UTME candidate, it’s important to know how to answer JAMB questions before your exam day.

Please note that If you arrive after thirty minutes (30mins.) into the examination, you will not be allowed into the testing centre.

The DURATION of the JAMB UTME exam 2022/2023 is 2 hours, within which 180 MULTIPLE QUESTIONS are to be answered.

To allot time adequately to each question, divide 120 minutes (i.e 2hrs) by 180.

This will give you 40 SECONDS.

Hence, you are expected to spend about 40 SECONDS (less than a minute) on each question.

More so, power outage or system failure will not result in the loss of the selected answers. It will not affect the extent of work done and the time allocated. So don’t panic when there is an outage. You will be guided on what to do by the exam officials.

How To Answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023

  • Login With Your JAMB Registration Number
  • Pay Attention To The Instructions
  • Start The Exam
  • Read The Questions Carefully
  • Pick Just One Answer
  • Answer The Easy Question First
  • Crosscheck Your Answers

Login With Your JAMB Registration Number

Start the Exam by Login With Your JAMB Registration Number

Start the Exam by Login With Your JAMB Registration Number

Login with your JAMB Registration Number as quickly as possible once you are told to do so.

Do well to confirm the registration number after you have typed it to ensure it is accurate.


Pay Attention To The Instructions

Pay Attention To The Instructions

On our next step on How To Answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023, you must pay total attention to the exam instructions before you start the exam.

Before you attempt any question make sure you have read and understood all the instructions for the examination.

Be sure to read through the end.

Note that your TIME start counting immediately you click on “Start Exam”

Start The Exam

After logging in with your reg number and carefully reading the UTME instructions, the next step on how to answer JAMB questions 2022 is to start the exam.

Before you start answering questions, you must check the subjects displayed and confirmed they are your choice.

Also, you must read instructions carefully before attempting any questions.


Read The Questions Carefully

Read The Questions Carefully before answering jamb questions

The next step on how to answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023 is to read the questions carefully to avoid picking the wrong answer.

Be sure to read and think through each question properly before picking an answer.

This is because there are cases where some questions may be similar to the past questions you have studied or other cases where two options in a question are alike.

Avoid making assumptions, please…


Pick Just One Answer

Pick Just One Answer (JAMB Shortcut Keys)

Multiple-choice questions require just one answer. Ensure you pick just one answer.

Answer The Easy Question First

The next step on how to answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023 is to answer the easy questions first and skip the most challenging ones for later.

Choose “All of the above” only when you are sure that all the options listed above are correct.

Choose “None of the above” only when you are sure all the options listed above are incorrect.

Crosscheck Your Answers

JAMB Shortcut Keys 2022/2023

If you still have some time left after you have answered all the questions do well to crosscheck your answers to be sure that you have not made mistakes.

YES! it’s important to avoid overconfidence; be careful when doing this.

Change a selected answer when you are certain you made a mistake or wrong choice.

Lastly, check that you have done all that is required before you click the SUBMIT button and end the examination.

How To End JAMB Exam After Writing

When you have answered and reviewed all the questions, you would be required to click “End Exam” or press “S” on the keyboard, a dialogue box will pop up and ask you to confirm your action, you then click “End Exam” again or press “Y” on the Keyboard to finally end the test.


Can I Write Jamb Without Knowing How To Operate Computer?

  • The answer is YES!

A candidate who doesn’t have perfect knowledge of how the computer runs can still write JAMB.

In fact, the test administration program only requires you to be able to use the mouse or keyboard to answer questions.

Approved JAMB Shortcut Keys 2022/2023

Below are JAMB Shortcut Keys:

  • A – To select Option A
  • B – To select Option B
  • C – To select Option C
  • D – To select option D
  • N – N stands for NEXT QUESTION
  • P – Stands for PREVIOUS QUESTION
  • R – Stands for RETURUN
  • S– Stands for SUBMIT or END EXAM to the exam

You can answer JAMB UTME questions in two ways; You may key in answers by clicking on the option using the mouse you believe to be the answer or typing in the letter of the option using the keyboard.

Answers are recorded directly into the computer.

The keyboard shortcuts are eight in number and the 8 keys are A, B, C, D, P, N, S and R.

Please note that you cannot log in again after submission.

All the best as you learn more about How To Answer JAMB Questions 2022/2023


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