Neco 2024 Literature in English (Objective & Prose) Answers

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Neco 2024 Literature in English (Objective & Prose)

Monday, 8th July 2024
Literature in English (Objective & Prose) 2:00pm – 4:15pm




Adah’s relentless struggle for the dignity of womanhood is central to the narrative’s development. Her journey from a marginalized girl in Nigeria to a resilient woman in London highlights her determination to overcome societal and cultural barriers that seek to suppress her. This fight for gender equality and personal dignity transcends her personal crusade, offering a broader commentary on the universal struggles faced by women.

Adah’s life begins in Ibuza, Nigeria, where societal norms devalue female children. From birth, she is seen as a disappointment simply because she is not a boy, a sentiment shared by her parents and community. This gender bias is clear when her parents refuse to enroll her in school, believing education would make her irresponsible and arrogant, while her brother, Boy, is sent to an expensive school, highlighting deep-seated gender inequality.

Adah defies this status quo at the age of eight by sneaking into a school, eventually leading her parents to reluctantly enroll her in a cheaper school. This initial act of rebellion marks the beginning of her lifelong fight for education and personal dignity.

Her struggle continues in her marriage to Francis, a man with deeply patriarchal beliefs who views women as inferior. Despite this, Adah becomes the breadwinner, supporting her husband and four children financially. Her decision to work and sustain her family challenges traditional gender roles and underscores her commitment to independence and dignity.

Adah’s marriage to Francis is fraught with challenges, including emotional and physical abuse, and his refusal to contribute financially. Her perseverance in the face of such adversity highlights her resilience and determination to uphold her dignity.

Moving to London introduces new challenges, including racism and housing discrimination. Despite these obstacles, Adah remains determined to provide a better life for her children and herself. Her experience in London underscores the intersectionality of her struggles, where gender, race, and class all play significant roles.

In London, Adah continues to face exploitation and abuse from Francis. Yet, her resilience and determination to protect her dignity and that of her children eventually lead her to leave Francis. This decision symbolizes her ultimate rejection of patriarchal oppression and her assertion of independence and self-worth.

Adah’s fight for the dignity of womanhood is central to “Second Class Citizen.” Her journey from Nigeria to London, her struggles against societal and marital oppression, and her eventual assertion of independence form the backbone of the novel. Through Adah, Emecheta explores themes of gender inequality, resilience, and the quest for personal dignity.

Adah’s character critiques patriarchal structures that oppress women. Her story is not just about personal survival but also about challenging and changing societal norms that devalue women. Adah’s determination to secure an education, her role as the family breadwinner, and her ultimate decision to leave an abusive marriage all underscore her fight for dignity and equality.



The myriad challenges faced by immigrants are vividly depicted through Adah, the protagonist. The novel highlights pervasive racism, identity crises, and societal limitations imposed on immigrants, particularly Africans, in a foreign land. Adah’s journey encapsulates the struggles and resilience of immigrants as they navigate a society that views them as inferior.

Racial discrimination is a cornerstone of Adah’s experience in London. As a black Nigerian woman, Adah confronts the harsh realities of racism. Her first encounter with overt racial discrimination occurs when she and her family receive an eviction notice from their home on Ashdown Street, solely based on their race. Despite having no issues with their fellow tenants or the landlady, the eviction underscores how racial prejudice dictates the lives of black immigrants, limiting their housing options and subjecting them to unwarranted evictions.

Adah’s struggle to find new accommodation is compounded by pervasive racism in London. Nearly every vacant space bears the inscription, “Sorry, No colored,” highlighting widespread racial exclusion. This relentless discrimination forces Adah to adapt her behavior and identity, adopting a fake accent to sound more like a white lady in hopes of securing housing. Such measures underscore the psychological toll of racism, pushing immigrants to alter their identities to fit into a prejudiced society.

The psychological impact of racism is profound. Adah’s self-esteem and sense of worth are continuously battered, forcing her to confront the painful reality of being black in a predominantly white society. This internal struggle is exacerbated by her husband’s actions. Francis’s burning of Adah’s manuscript, “The Bride Price,” symbolizes his internalized racism and belief that literary success is reserved for whites, further diminishing Adah’s sense of self.

Adah’s immigrant experience is marked by socio-economic challenges. Despite her education and determination, she faces obstacles in securing stable employment. As the family’s breadwinner, while her husband remains unemployed, she feels economic pressures. The limited job opportunities for black immigrants force them into menial jobs, reflecting systemic barriers that hinder upward mobility. This economic marginalization traps many immigrants in poverty and dependence, making it difficult to provide a better life for their families.

Cultural isolation is another significant challenge depicted in the novel. Adah and her family are not only racially segregated but also culturally alienated from mainstream British society. This isolation is evident in their housing struggles, as they are forced to live in slums with other marginalized communities. The sense of alienation is compounded by the rejection and hostility from the broader society, which views them as outsiders.

This cultural isolation extends to the workplace and social interactions, where Adah and other immigrants are often treated with suspicion and contempt. The lack of acceptance and integration into the host society leads to a feeling of perpetual otherness, where immigrants like Adah are constantly reminded of their second-class status.



In Unexpected Joy at Dawn, security personnel play crucial roles that deeply affect the lives of characters, especially Nii. The government’s harsh directive to expel all aliens is enforced by these security forces, creating a hostile environment. This leads to dangerous and precarious journeys for Nii and others as they attempt to flee the country. The soldiers are ordered to “shoot on sight,” highlighting the severe risks involved and the perilous conditions the characters must navigate.

Nii’s journey is marked by constant encounters with security personnel at the borders. Attempting to cross from Ghana to Togo and then to Nigeria, he faces the threat of being caught or shot. Corruption among security personnel adds to their struggles, exemplified when Nii is extorted by a cyclist demanding money to bribe immigration officers. This corruption underscores the systemic issues within the enforcement agencies.

Upon capture at the Nigerian border, Nii is harassed by a customs officer who doubts his Nigerian identity. The officer’s suspicion and prejudice reflect the discriminatory attitudes faced by immigrants. Despite Nii’s protests, the officer remains convinced that he is Ghanaian, illustrating the rigid and often unjust practices of the security forces.

Furthermore, security personnel exploit their power by using captured aliens as forced labor. Nii, Aaron, and others are coerced into working on a farm under threat of being handed over to the police. This exploitation highlights their vulnerability and the abuse of power by those in authority. Nii’s experience as a slave in his own country is particularly poignant, emphasizing the dehumanizing impact of the security personnel’s actions.

Violence and threats are recurring themes associated with the security forces. At the Haji camp, a sergeant uses his gun to intimidate the aliens, creating an atmosphere of fear. The corporal’s destruction of a placard and an accusation of attempted seduction by a security officer further illustrate the abusive behavior of the authorities. These incidents provoke a protest, culminating in chaos where Nii seizes a gun but ultimately decides against using it.

Despite the oppressive environment, Nii and his companions show resilience by attempting to escape the security personnel’s control. Their journey to Ijase involves constant evasion of immigration officers, highlighting their determination to survive. This struggle underscores the theme of perseverance in the face of systemic oppression and violence.

Through these interactions, security personnel are depicted as enforcers of the government’s harsh policies and perpetrators of corruption, violence, and exploitation. Their presence and actions significantly shape the experiences of Nii and other characters, illustrating broader societal issues of discrimination, corruption, and abuse of power within the novel.


In Alex Agyei-Agyiri’s Unexpected Joy at Dawn, the theme of irony is woven throughout the narrative, adding depth to the characters’ struggles and the socio-political landscape they navigate.

One of the primary ironies in the novel is Nii Tackie’s search for identity. Born in Ghana but of Nigerian descent, Nii flees economic hardship in Ghana, hoping to find refuge and a sense of belonging in Nigeria. Ironically, upon his arrival in Nigeria, he faces the same kind of deportation and xenophobia that drove him from Ghana. Despite his Yoruba tribal marks and Nigerian name, he is unable to prove his citizenship because he cannot speak any Nigerian language. This irony highlights the absurdity of identity being determined by language rather than heritage or personal history.

Similarly, Mama Orojo’s situation underscores the irony of the search for identity and belonging. She travels to Ghana to find Nii, only to suffer the same fate of being regarded as an outsider. This ironic twist emphasizes the universal struggle for acceptance and the harsh reality that identity is not easily reclaimed once lost.

The novel also explores the irony of the economic policies in Ghana. The government’s attempt to control the economy through measures like withdrawing the fifty cedi note and freezing bank accounts over fifty thousand cedis ends up impoverishing the very citizens it aims to protect. Aaron, who dreams of establishing the Ant Hill Company, is forced to abandon his ambitions due to the financial stranglehold. The irony lies in the fact that the government’s actions, intended to stabilize the economy, only deepen the suffering of its people.

Additionally, the actions of security personnel in the novel are laden with irony. Tasked with maintaining order, they instead contribute to the chaos and corruption. Nii and other characters experience extortion, harassment, and violence at the hands of those who are supposed to protect them. The irony here lies in the contrast between the role of security forces and their actual behavior, which exacerbates the characters’ plight rather than alleviating it.

The personal stories of characters like Marshak also reflect ironic elements. Marshak, who turns to prostitution out of desperation, dreams of a better future and a respectable identity. Her tragic end, brought on by the societal rejection and her own fears, underscores the cruel irony of her situation: despite her aspirations and efforts, she is unable to escape the stigma and circumstances that define her life.

Nii’s ultimate reunion with Mama Orojo brings an ironic twist of fate. After enduring numerous hardships and navigating through the treacherous socio-political terrain, the siblings find each other. This unexpected joy contrasts sharply with their prolonged suffering and the initial hopelessness of their quest, highlighting the bittersweet nature of their journey.

Through these layers of irony, Unexpected Joy at Dawn presents a poignant critique of identity, belonging, and the socio-political dynamics of post-colonial Africa. The characters’ struggles against the backdrop of economic and political instability reveal the paradoxes and complexities of their search for a place to call home.



In “Invisible Man,” racism is portrayed as a significant obstacle to individual identity. The protagonist, a black American man, struggles to define himself in a society rife with racial discrimination. Throughout the novel, he encounters various communities, such as the Liberty Paints plant and the Brotherhood, each imposing its own set of expectations on how black individuals should behave. These expectations force him into an inferior societal role, preventing him from establishing his own identity.

Upon arriving in New York, the narrator begins working at the Liberty Paints plant, which exemplifies racial discrimination. The plant’s success relies heavily on black labor, yet blacks are denied recognition and the final presentation of the product. This dynamic underscores the racial hierarchy within the company. The narrator’s involvement with the Brotherhood further highlights this theme. Initially, he believes he can promote racial equality through the organization’s ideology. However, he soon realizes the Brotherhood merely uses him as a token black man for its abstract agenda, rather than genuinely supporting racial equality.

The narrator comes to understand that racial prejudice causes others to see him only through their biased perceptions, limiting his ability to act authentically. He concludes that he is “invisible” because the white-dominated society is unwilling or unable to acknowledge his true identity and the plights of black individuals. This realization leads him to embrace his invisibility as a means of rejecting the limiting societal norms. Ultimately, he decides to reemerge and contribute to society as a complex individual.

The irony at the Liberty Paints plant is palpable. The workforce is primarily black, but the final product, handled exclusively by whites, bears the slogan, “If it’s optic white, it’s the Right white,” and a sign that reads, “Keep America pure with Liberty Paints.” This slogan and sign reinforce the racist notion of white purity.

The narrator’s grandfather’s advice highlights another aspect of racism. He suggests that blacks should outwardly conform to the expectations of their white oppressors while internally harboring resentment and fighting against this imposed identity. This dual approach is seen as a strategy to cope with and resist racial discrimination.

Ralph Ellison’s “Invisible Man” explores an American society where the quest for freedom and self-definition forces black individuals to confront their value and destiny. The novel presents differing viewpoints on how blacks can achieve success and equality. Dr. Bledsoe, a college figure, advocates for hard work and assimilation into white culture, while Ras the Exhorter calls for a more militant approach, urging blacks to seize their freedom by overthrowing white dominance.


The narrator serves as the protagonist and principal character in the novel, though his name and true identity are never revealed. He begins and ends the story as an embodied voice, using first-person narration to convey his tale. Early in the novel, he elaborates on his sense of invisibility, stating, “I am an invisible man…I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me…it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard disturbing glass. I am not complaining, nor am I protesting either. It is sometimes advantageous to be unseen…”

The narrator is depicted as gullible, easily deceived by those around him, including the white people and Dr. Bledsoe. Despite Bledsoe’s initial harsh criticism for revealing the unpleasant aspects of the black community to Mr. Norton, the narrator fails to recognize Bledsoe’s ill intentions. When Bledsoe provides the narrator with letters supposedly of recommendation, the narrator doesn’t realize they are actually letters of rejection intended to expel him.

Before joining the Brotherhood, the narrator is portrayed as extremely innocent and inexperienced. He tends to see the best in people, even when evidence suggests otherwise, and remains consistently respectful of authority. This innocence often leads him to misunderstand significant events, such as when he gladly accepts a scholarship from brutish white men without passing judgment on their behavior. Throughout the novel, the narrator remains susceptible to the identity imposed upon him by society as an African-American. He plays the roles expected of him: the service-oriented black man to the white community, the industrious and uncomplaining disciple of Booker T. Washington during his college years, and the Brotherhood’s black spokesman, allowing himself to be used by the organization.

Despite his gullibility, the narrator is also intelligent and introspective. Eventually, he retreats to an underground hideout. In narrating his story, he realizes the dangers of invisibility and resolves to honor his own complexity rather than conform to any group or ideology. While many of his difficulties stem from being black, the narrator’s character is depicted as a universal figure representing the broader human struggle.


In “Wuthering Heights,” love is a central theme, portrayed as both romantic and brotherly, rather than erotic. Every relationship in the novel experiences strain at some point, highlighting the tension between good and evil, or love and hate. The most significant relationship is between Heathcliff and Catherine, whose love transcends earthly bounds and is spiritual in nature.

Their love, however, stems from rebellion rather than sexual desire, and they struggle to fully comprehend it. Despite their profound connection, they betray each other by marrying others. Their bond is based on a shared perception and identity, as demonstrated by Heathcliff’s profound grief when Catherine dies, lamenting that he cannot live without his “soul.”

Contrasting love is the capacity for hate, with Heathcliff embodying this vengeance-driven emotion. His hatred targets Hindley, Edgar, and, to some extent, Catherine. This hatred fuels the novel’s major theme of revenge. The interplay of hate and revenge, coupled with selfishness, reveals conflicting emotions that drive destructive behavior. The intense bond between Catherine and Heathcliff often shifts from positive to negative, especially when threatened. Heathcliff’s response to Catherine’s death, wishing her torment, marks the beginning of his personal hell and his descent into a life of cruel revenge against those associated with Catherine or those he despises.

Heathcliff’s return to Wuthering Heights is driven by a desire for revenge, which becomes especially inhuman after Catherine’s death. His scornful love transforms into desperate hatred and revenge, devastating both the avenger and the avenged.

In contrast to the destructive love between Catherine and Heathcliff is the proper, albeit less passionate, love between Catherine and Edgar. Their relationship represents peace and comfort and is socially acceptable, but it pales in comparison to the profound connection between Catherine and Heathcliff. Cathy and Linton’s love, on the other hand, is exaggerated and founded on Linton’s weakness, with Cathy’s affection stemming from her desire to protect him.

Finally, the love between Cathy and Hareton balances the traits of other relationships in the novel. Their love combines the passion of Catherine and Heathcliff without the destructiveness, and the gentleness of Edgar and Catherine without the dullness. This relationship suggests a more hopeful and balanced form of love, in contrast to the tumultuous and often destructive loves that dominate the narrative.


Nelly plays a vital role in Linton’s tragedy in “Wuthering Heights.” As the chief narrator, she provides an account of the events and characters’ interactions, shedding light on her influence and actions. Nelly is portrayed as sensible, intelligent, and compassionate, deeply involved in the lives of those at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.

Initially a maid at Thrushcross Grange, Nelly demonstrates loyalty to the Linton family and certain members of the Earnshaw family. This loyalty affects her narration, as she often expresses her opinions and biases, particularly her dislike for Heathcliff. Her feelings and commentary help shape the reader’s perception of the characters and their motivations.

Nelly’s involvement in Linton’s life begins after the death of Isabella Linton, Linton’s mother. Linton comes to live with Heathcliff, who treats him cruelly. Nelly, serving as a nursemaid to young Catherine Linton at Thrushcross Grange, becomes a key figure in Linton’s story. When young Catherine meets Linton, Nelly initially facilitates their secret correspondence. However, she destroys Catherine’s letters, attempting to protect her from what she perceives as an unhealthy relationship, given Heathcliff’s influence over Linton.

Heathcliff’s scheme to gain control of Thrushcross Grange and exact revenge on Edgar Linton hinges on Linton’s marriage to young Catherine. Heathcliff manipulates Linton, who is weak and sickly, into wooing Catherine. Nelly and Catherine are eventually lured to Wuthering Heights, where they are held captive until Catherine marries Linton. This forced marriage solidifies Heathcliff’s claim over Thrushcross Grange, but it leads to further tragedy.

After the marriage, Edgar Linton dies, followed by Linton’s own death. Nelly’s actions, though motivated by a desire to protect Catherine, inadvertently contribute to the tragic chain of events. Her loyalty, biases, and decisions play a significant role in shaping Linton’s fate. Through her narration, Nelly provides insight into the complex relationships and power dynamics at play, illustrating her critical role in Linton’s tragedy.


Neco 2024 Literature in English (Objective & Prose) Answers


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