How To Print Mock Examination Slip – JAMB

Are you looking for on How To Print Mock Examination Slip? The Reprinting of Mock Examination Slip is now active on JAMB’s website candidates can now reprint their slip and know their exams date, venue and time.

If you are a candidate preparing for the JAMB examination and want your Mock Examination Slip, you can easily access it here, please keep reading to the end.

The mock examination was introduced in 2017 as a chance for candidates to test their level of preparation for the actual test. The mock examination will also provide an opportunity for candidates who are not familiar with computer-based testing to learn how the system works.

The JAMB mock test was initially scheduled for 16th April, 2022. The examination body rescheduled the test to 9th April, 2022.

To print your JAMB mock examination slip kindly follow the step below;

How To Print JAMB Mock Examination Slip

  1. Visit the JAMB website here:
  2. Enter your e-mail address, registration number, or mobile phone number in the space provided.
  3. Finally, click the “Print Examination Slip” button. That will enable you to view and print your slip.


candidates must follow the steps listed Above to be able to Print their JAMB Mock Examination Slip, and they are very easy to carry out. Applicants are to visit their examination centre early, as the examination is expected to begin by 7:00 am.

Candidates should also Note That If  you misses this exam, there will be no more makeup exam offered to he/she.

Candidates are to visit each of their CBT centres with a copy of the Examination Slip as it is among the requirements. Electronic devices like mobile phones, Calculator, Mobile Phones and other accessories are not allowed in the examination centre.

They should also not forget that the reason for this examination is to enable them to know how the JAMB CBT would look like. With this, they should not expect the same question and their score would not affect their JAMB CBT credits.

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