Waec CRS 2024 May/June Exam Answer

Welcome to “Naijaclass Academy” For Waec CRS 2024 May/June Exam Answer



Date: Wednesday, 5th June, 2024
Christian Religious Studies (Essay & Objective) 9:30 am – 12:30 pm












(i) Heavy Taxation: To fund his numerous building projects, Solomon imposed heavy taxes on the people. This created a financial burden on the citizens and led to widespread dissatisfaction.

(ii) Forced Labor: Solomon conscripted labor from the Israelites for his construction projects. Many people were compelled to work on these projects, which caused resentment and hardship among the population.

(iii) Religious Idolatry: Solomon married many foreign women who brought their own gods and religious practices to Israel. Solomon built altars for these foreign gods, leading to the introduction of idolatry in Israel and weakening the worship of Yahweh.

(iv) Economic Strain: The lavish lifestyle of Solomon’s court and the expenses of his numerous building projects drained the nation’s resources. This economic strain affected the prosperity of the kingdom and the well-being of its citizens.

(v) Political Division: The discontent caused by Solomon’s policies set the stage for political instability. After Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam’s decision to continue his harsh policies led to the division of the kingdom into Israel (the northern kingdom) and Judah (the southern kingdom).

(vi) Loss of Tribal Unity: Solomon’s centralization of power and neglect of tribal distinctions led to a loss of unity among the tribes of Israel. This centralization of authority alienated the northern tribes, contributing to the eventual split of the kingdom.




(i) Arrogance: Leaders who are arrogant tend to ignore the opinions and needs of others, acting in their own self-interest rather than considering the welfare of those they lead. This attitude creates a disconnect between the leader and the people.

(ii) Inflexibility: Inflexible leaders refuse to adapt to new situations or consider alternative viewpoints. This rigidity can lead to poor decision-making and stifle innovation, causing frustration among followers.

(iii) Lack of Empathy: Leaders who lack empathy do not understand or acknowledge the feelings and challenges of their followers. This insensitivity makes them seem cold and uncaring, leading to dissatisfaction and loss of support.

(iv) Dishonesty: When leaders are dishonest, they lose the trust of their followers. Lies and deceit can lead to a breakdown in communication and a loss of credibility, making it difficult for the leader to gain and maintain support.

(v) Incompetence: Leaders who lack the necessary skills and knowledge to lead effectively are often viewed as incompetent. This incompetence can result in poor decision-making, failure to achieve goals, and a loss of confidence among followers.

(vi) Authoritarianism: Leaders who rule with an iron fist, using fear and intimidation, often become unpopular. This authoritarian approach suppresses free expression and creativity, leading to resentment and rebellion among those they lead.






(i) Opposition from Surrounding Peoples: The Jewish returnees faced strong opposition from neighboring groups like the Samaritans. These groups were hostile and actively worked to discourage and hinder the rebuilding efforts, sometimes even resorting to political maneuvers to halt the construction.

(ii) Resource Scarcity: The returnees struggled with a lack of resources needed for the reconstruction. Limited financial and material resources made it difficult to obtain the necessary building supplies, such as timber and stone, to rebuild the temple.

(iii) Internal Disunity: Among the Jewish returnees, there were divisions and disagreements about how to proceed with the rebuilding process. This internal disunity weakened their collective efforts and slowed down the progress of the construction work.

(iv) Economic Hardship: Many returnees faced severe economic difficulties upon their return. The region had been neglected for years, and there was widespread poverty. The struggle to make a living and provide for their families made it challenging to focus on rebuilding the temple.

(v) Political Instability: The returnees also faced political instability both within the Persian Empire, which ruled over them, and from local governors who were not supportive of their efforts. Changes in political leadership could result in changes in policy that affected the rebuilding process.

(vi) Lack of Skilled Labor: After years of exile, many skilled workers and artisans who had the expertise to construct the temple were either not available or not in the best condition to work. The shortage of skilled laborers slowed down the construction and affected the quality of the work.




(i) Corruption: Corruption at various levels of government and public institutions diverts resources meant for development into private pockets. This undermines public trust and reduces the effectiveness of development programs.

(ii) Poor Infrastructure: Inadequate infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and water supply hampers economic growth. Poor infrastructure makes it difficult to attract investment and slows down the pace of development.

(iii) Political Instability: Frequent changes in government, political conflicts, and lack of continuity in policies disrupt development initiatives. Political instability creates an uncertain environment that is not conducive to sustainable development.

(iv) Education System Deficiencies: An underfunded and poorly managed education system fails to equip the population with the necessary skills and knowledge. This results in a workforce that is not adequately prepared to drive development.

(v) Healthcare Challenges: Poor healthcare services lead to a less healthy population, which affects productivity and economic growth. High rates of disease and inadequate healthcare infrastructure pose significant barriers to development.

(vi) Economic Inequality: A wide gap between the rich and the poor can hinder development by limiting access to opportunities for a large portion of the population. Economic inequality can lead to social unrest and reduce the overall economic potential of the country.





4a) The incident that made the Jews describe King Cyrus of Persia as the Lord’s anointed is recorded in the Bible in the Book of Ezra. According to the account, Cyrus issued a decree allowing the Jews who had been exiled in Babylon to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. This act of kindness and support for the Jewish people was seen as a fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 45:1, where Cyrus is referred to as the Lord’s anointed, chosen to fulfill God’s purposes.




i. Economic Contribution: Immigrants often bring valuable skills, knowledge, and entrepreneurial spirit to their new country. They can start businesses, create jobs, and contribute to economic growth through their work and consumption.


ii. Cultural Enrichment: Immigrants bring diversity to a society, enriching it with new perspectives, traditions, and experiences. This cultural exchange can lead to greater tolerance, understanding, and creativity within the host nation.


iii. Social Integration: Immigrants can contribute to the social fabric of their host nation by participating in community activities, volunteering, and engaging with local residents. By building relationships and fostering connections, immigrants can help create a more inclusive and cohesive society.





Jesus was arrested and taken to Caiaphas’ house, where the Sanhedrin had gathered. The Sanhedrin sought false testimony against Jesus, but found none. Despite this, they persisted in their efforts to condemn Him. Two witnesses came forward, accusing Jesus of saying He would destroy the temple, but their testimonies didn’t agree.

Caiaphas, the High Priest, asked Jesus to respond to the charges, but Jesus remained silent. Caiaphas then asked Jesus under oath if He was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus affirmed His identity, declaring, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Caiaphas declared Jesus’ response blasphemy and tore his robes. The Sanhedrin concurred, finding Jesus guilty and deserving of death. They bound Him and led Him away to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, to sentence Him to death. Through this sham trial, Jesus demonstrated His willingness to suffer for the truth, even in the face of injustice and corruption.



(i) Injustice and corruption can reach even the highest levels of authority: Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin and Caiaphas was a sham, with false testimony, coercion, and disregard for due process. This serves as a reminder to remain vigilant against corruption and to stand up for truth and justice, even in the face of powerful opposition.

(ii) Standing up for one’s beliefs and identity can come at a great cost: Jesus refused to back down from His claims and identity, even when faced with death. His courage and conviction serve as an inspiration to remain faithful to one’s beliefs and values, even in the face of persecution or adversity.









The early Christian church in Jerusalem was growing rapidly, and the apostles found themselves overwhelmed with administrative tasks, including caring for the needs of widows and the poor. A complaint arose from the Greek-speaking Jews that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of food. The apostles recognized the need for help and called the community together to address the issue.


The apostles proposed that seven men be chosen to assist them in their ministry, particularly in caring for the physical needs of the community. The community was asked to select seven men filled with the Spirit and wisdom, who would be appointed to serve in this capacity.


The community chose seven men: Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas. The apostles prayed over them and laid their hands on them, commissioning them for their new role.



(i) Communication: Open and honest communication is essential in resolving conflicts. Listening to each other’s perspectives and concerns can help to clarify issues and find common ground.


(ii) Mediation: A neutral third party can facilitate a conversation between the conflicting parties, helping them to find a mutually beneficial solution.


(iii) Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and forgiving one another can help to resolve conflicts and restore relationships. This can involve apologizing, making amends, and moving forward in a positive direction.







The situation described is an example of discrimination and favoritism, where a rich man is given preferential treatment over a poor man. James addresses this issue in the church by admonishing the believers to not show partiality to the rich and neglect the poor


James uses the example of a rich man and a poor man coming to the assembly, and how the believers treat them differently. He asks rhetorical questions, “Have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?” and “Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom?”


James emphasizes that faith without works is dead and that true faith is demonstrated by treating everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their social status.



(i) Perpetuates social inequality: Favoring the rich over the poor reinforces social and economic disparities, creating a class system where the wealthy hold power and influence.


(ii) Undermines community cohesion: Discrimination and partiality erode trust and unity within a community, leading to divisions and social unrest.


(iii) Hinders social mobility: By prioritizing the interests of the wealthy, opportunities for economic advancement and social mobility are limited for the poor, perpetuating cycles of poverty.









(i) Peter says Christians have been transformed from darkness into light so they should declare the wonderful deeds of God.

(ii) He said formerly, Christians were no people but they are now God’s people who have received mercý.

(iii) Peter appealed to Christians not to conform to the standards of this world.

(iv) He admonished them to avoid the passions of the flesh and things that hinder their spiritual growth.

(v) He was of the view that believers must maintain good conduct among non-Christians so that through their deeds, God will be glorified.

(vi) Peter holds the view that, Christians are to be subject to every human institution/authority.

(vii) According to Peter, Christians should not misuse the freedom they have to do evil.

(viii) The believer, as Peter states, should honour all men.

(ix) He again states that Christians should love their brothers and fear God.

(x) The Christian should honour the one who leads him.

(xi) Peter also admonished servants to submit themselves to their masters.

(xii) AS a chosen race, Christians are advised by Peter to have patience when they suffer for no wrong done.

(xiii) He continued that Christians should emulate the example of Christ who suffered for no wrong done.

(xiv) Finally, Peter encouraged Christians to die to sin and live to righteousness since Christ died on the cross for our sins.




(i) Prejudice and Discrimination: Prejudices based on race, ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status lead to discrimination and social exclusion. This creates tension and conflict, making peaceful co-existence difficult.

(ii) Resource Competition: Competition for limited resources such as jobs, land, and economic opportunities can lead to conflicts, particularly when there is perceived or actual inequity in resource distribution.

(iii) Cultural and Religious Differences: Differing cultural and religious beliefs and practices can create misunderstandings and intolerance. Without mutual respect and dialogue, these differences can escalate into significant conflicts and violence

(iv) Political Instability: Political instability, corruption, and poor governance can lead to conflicts and violence. When people feel that their voices are not heard and their needs are not met by their leaders, it can result in civil unrest and divisions within society.

(v) Economic Disparities: Wide economic disparities between different groups in society can cause tension and conflict. When wealth and resources are concentrated in the hands of a few while the majority remain in poverty, it creates a fertile ground for discontent and social strife.



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