Neco 2024 CRS Answers June/July Exam

Welcome to “Naijaclass Academy” For Neco 2024 CRS Answers June/July Exam


Date: Tuesday, 23rd July 2024
Christian Religious Studies (Objective & Essay) 10:00am – 12:30pm




Deborah was chosen as a leader in Israel due to her strong leadership qualities, ability to communicate effectively, and her dedication to the community. Her charisma and passion for helping others made her a natural choice for the position.

i. they can participate in politics and decision-making processes to ensure that policies are inclusive and address the needs of all citizens.
ii. women can engage in entrepreneurship and innovation to drive economic growth and create employment opportunities.
iii. women can advocate for gender equality and social justice to create a more equitable society for all.


(2a) Friendship can be defined as a close relationship between two or more people based on mutual trust, support, and understanding. It involves sharing experiences, emotions, and interests with someone who genuinely cares about your well-being.

(2b) The relationship between David and Jonathan can be regarded as an example of genuine friendship because they showed loyalty, selflessness, and emotional support for each other. They were willing to sacrifice for each other’s well-being and stood by each other through difficult times.

i. It is important to have common ground with your friends to build a strong and meaningful relationship.
ii. trust and loyalty are essential factors to consider when choosing friends, as these qualities form the foundation of a healthy friendship.


(3a) Zerubbabel and Ezra played significant roles in the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. Zerubbabel, a descendant of King David, led the first group of exiles back to Jerusalem and oversaw the rebuilding of the Temple. He worked to restore the religious and cultural identity of the Jewish people in Jerusalem. On the other hand, Ezra, a priest and scribe, focused on religious reforms and the restoration of the Mosaic Law. He emphasized the importance of following God’s commandments and purifying the community.

(3b) i. Leadership and Vision:
Zerubbabel and Ezra demonstrated strong leadership qualities and had a clear vision for the rebuilding of Jerusalem. They inspired and motivated the people to work towards a common goal.

ii. Faith and Perseverance:
Both Zerubbabel and Ezra faced challenges and opposition during the rebuilding process, but they remained faithful to their beliefs and persevered in their mission. Their unwavering faith in God helped them overcome obstacles.

iii. *Commitment to Tradition:*

Zerubbabel and Ezra emphasized the importance of upholding religious traditions and laws. They sought to preserve the cultural and religious identity of the Jewish people, highlighting the significance of tradition in community building.



After Jesus had taught his disciples both privately and publicly he decided to send them out to practicalise what they had learnt. The three synoptic gospels recorded the mission of the twelve disciples.
Matthew stated that the mission of the twelve was limited to the Jewish territories but Luke and Mark did not record it. Matthew alone stated the names of the disciples that were sent out but not recorded by the two other gospels. Mark stated that the disciples were sent out in pairs i.e. two by two but Luke and Matthew did not state it. Matthew stated that Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirit to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every infirmity. Jesus announced rules guiding their mission-a code of conduct. The first was that they should not go with money or tunics or bags. They should stay in places where they were received with open hands.



(i) Jesus charge against taking money, two tunics, bag and saluting people on their way meant that the mission was urgent, hence unnecessary luxuries should be avoided.
(ii) Jesus’ warning that he was sending the disciples out as lambs in the midst of wolves meant that they were bound to face persecution and stiff challenges in the ministry.
(iii) Just like he sent out his apostle and disciples, Jesus, today can also send us on assignments.
(iv) Jesus’ decision to send out the seventy on the same mission he had earlier sent the twelve points to the importance of the assignment.


(5a)After darkness fell on the land between the hour of – 3.00pm Jesus cried out and said “Father into your hands i commit my spirit and he gave up the ghost.
Immediately after the death of Jesus on the cross, there came a man named Joseph of Arimathea who also was Jesus secret disciple, he went to Pilate to beg for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded Jesus body to be released to him.
Joseph had a sepulchre which he had made for himself, on it no man had ever been buried, and when he had taken the body of Jesus he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and buried Jesus in his own tomb. He covered the entrance with a stone.
The women disciples of Jesus like Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome were also there to see how the body of Jesus was laid.

(i) Joseph was a secret follower of Jesus.
(ii) He went to Pilate to beg for the body of Jesus.
(iii) Joseph provided his own new sepulchre for Jesus’ burial, wrapped Jesus’ body in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in the tomb.


King Herod, seeking to gain favor with the Jewish leaders, began persecuting the early Christians. He arrested Peter, one of the leading apostles, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Herod’s intention was to publicly execute Peter after the Passover celebrations, a plan intended to solidify his political position.
Peter was imprisoned and placed under heavy guard with four squads of soldiers, each squad consisting of four men. The situation seemed dire, as Peter was shackled and closely guarded, awaiting his trial. However, the early Christian community fervently prayed for Peter’s deliverance.
On the night before his planned execution, an angel of the Lord visited Peter in the prison. The angel’s light filled the cell, and Peter’s chains fell off. The angel instructed Peter to dress and follow him. Initially, Peter thought he was dreaming, but soon realized the angel’s guidance was real. The two passed through the iron gate leading to the city, which opened by itself, and they walked through the streets until they reached the house of Mary, the mother of John. There, the believers were gathered, praying for Peter’s release.
When Peter knocked at the door, the servant girl Rhoda recognized his voice but was so overjoyed that she forgot to open the door. Eventually, the believers let Peter in, astonished by his unexpected appearance. Peter described how the Lord had delivered him and then left for another place, knowing that his escape would likely provoke further persecution.
Herod, upon realizing Peter had escaped, was furious and ordered a search, but Peter could not be found. Eventually, Herod traveled to Caesarea, where he died under mysterious and dramatic circumstances as described, marking the end of his reign and the continuation of the early Christian mission.

(i) Peter’s miraculous escape demonstrates God’s active involvement in protecting and delivering His people from dire situations.
(ii) It highlights the power and effectiveness of collective prayer, as the early Christians’ prayers were answered.
(iii) It contrasts Peter’s deliverance with Herod’s eventual downfall, showcasing divine justice and judgment.
(iv) It encourages believers by showing that even in seemingly hopeless circumstances, God can bring about miraculous outcomes
(v) The arrest and intended execution of Peter illustrate the early church’s struggles and persecution for their faith.
(vi) The miraculous nature of Peter’s escape strengthened the faith of early Christians and affirmed their belief in God’s protection and power.


In James’ epistle, James offers a profound discussion on the use of the tongue, emphasizing its immense power and the critical importance of controlling it. In James 3:1-12, he begins by cautioning that not many should become teachers, as they will be judged more strictly, setting the stage for his discourse on speech and its responsibilities.
James compares the tongue to a bit in a horse’s mouth, which controls the whole animal, and to a rudder on a ship, which steers the entire vessel. These comparisons highlight how something small can have a significant impact, emphasizing the tongue’s ability to direct the course of a person’s life.
James warns of the tongue’s potential for immense destruction, likening it to a small spark that can set a great forest on fire. This illustrates how careless words can cause significant harm and conflict. He describes the tongue as a world of evil among the body parts, corrupting the whole person and setting the course of one’s life on fire, even being itself set on fire by hell. This strong language underscores the severe consequences of uncontrolled speech.
James also points out the difficulty of taming the tongue, noting that while humans have tamed all kinds of animals, no one can tame the tongue. It is described as a restless evil, full of deadly poison, indicating its capacity to cause ongoing harm. He highlights the inconsistency and hypocrisy of using the tongue for both blessing God and cursing people made in God’s image. This duality demonstrates the need for integrity and consistency in speech.
James’s teaching emphasizes the tongue’s power, the potential for good and harm, the difficulty of controlling it, and the need for Christians to exercise careful control over their speech to reflect their faith and values accurately.

(i) Christians should strive to control their speech to prevent harm and reflect their faith
(ii) Believers are encouraged to ensure their words align with their Christian values, avoiding hypocrisy.
(iii) Christians must recognize the power of their words and use them responsibly to build up others.
(iv) James’s teaching implies that Christians should seek wisdom and discernment in their communication.
(v) Followers of Christ are called to use their words to encourage and uplift others.
(vi) The way Christians speak can serve as a testimony to their faith, impacting their witness to others.


Paul tells us that the family is a sacred institution ordained by God. Because of this, it must be kept in mutual love and nurtured in respect among its members. According to St. Paul, a Christian family is an ideal family. All rights and obligations are to be observed as if God is the head of the family.

There are certain roles assigned to each individual family member. Some of these are:
(i) Wives must be submissive to their husbands for God has commanded that the husband is the head of the family as Jesus Christ is the head of the church.
(ii) The submissiveness of wives to their husbands must be reciprocated by their husbands with love. A husband must love his wife as Christ loves us. Wives should not be subjected to harsh treatment for they are not slaves.
(iii) Children should obey their parents for God had commanded it, ” honour your father and mother that thy days may be long on earth”.
(iv) Parents are advised (warned) not to do anything that may provoke their children. Parents should love and care for their children. As Christians, they should bring them up to fear God. Parents are to make their homes as places of moral instructions.
(v) Slaves must serve their masters as if they are serving God.

(i) Spouses should show mutual respect and understanding to strengthen their relationship.
(ii) Husbands should lead their families with love and kindness.
(iii) Children should be taught to respect and obey their parents.
(iv) Parents should use positive reinforcement and avoid harsh criticism.
(v) Spouses should view each other as equals and work together as partners.
(vi) Families should seek counseling when needed to resolve conflicts and improve relationships.


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